The Project motion graphics

Inside the mind of an architect


I produced a short motion-graphics animation for the weekly newspaper supplement about architecture “El Proyecto” (The Project). Animating the graphic elements of the original layout and photography to “express visually the ideas that pass through the mind of an architect or constructor”. That was the main concept for this work.

Composed, animated in After Effects and edited in Premiere, with pre-production work in InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator to set up the graphics for the video composition ready to animate and mask the original graphics of the printed newspaper supplement.



The buildings and the architectural design appears vividly during the short animation using measurements scales, technical drawing symbols, perspectives, cross sections, and CAD architectural drawing. All this visuals were based in the original graphical elements of the supplement layout.
An animated 3D model of the weekly newspaper supplement was also showed in the motion-graphics together with a final animation of the graphic brand (logo), as an outro.

The video achieves a dynamic yet powerful visual dialogue between the ideas, the architecture design, and the editorial concept; with only the usage of the original graphics of the printed newspaper supplement, without need of extra production costs as presenter, voice-over, principal photography stage or filmaking, studio space rent.


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